Sunday, March 16, 2008

Which Celebrity Couple Are You?

Lagi iseng trus quizzing di Facebook. Okay, judulnya "Which Celebrity Couple Are You?" yang berarti "Lo dan si Bihun itu kalo disamain sama pasangan celebrity, mirip siapa sih?". And the result is..

You are Tom and Katie. You prefer to keep you and your family away from the paparazzi. Your big family people and are always putting them first. Although you have a succesful career you always have time for the most important things in your life.

Booookk.. Iya sih betul, tapi yaa.. Pertama, gua kan ngga suka sama Katie-Tom, ada contoh yang lebih bagus ngga yaa? Kedua, yang mirip Tom Cruise itu kan abangnya si Bihun, trus gua kalo lagi abis ketabok mikrolet kan jadi mirip Katie Holmes.. Jangan-jangan.. Ahihihihihihihih..

Hihi.. Ini sekalian untuk mengerjakan 'tugas' gw. So, Task no. 5: Completed!