Well.. yes, I just happen to be a bachelor.
I passed my thesis defense last Friday. Three lecturers on the committee bombarded me with questions, or heavy criticisms about what I've said. I took up an OMG-round-and-round-statements/arguments against them. At the same time, I'm so happy I could listen their critical and helpful comments for the betterment of my future study.
I'm very disappointed with my presentation. It was almost like Q & A's session from the beginning til the end x( I felt superstupid. It was the worst-est presentation I've ever done! But I couldn't be more thankful.. I got 2 grades higher than expected, and I passed with minor corrections, that is "Research Limitations" sub-chapter.
Now all I have to do is make a few small changes to my actual thesis and then submit it tomorrow. No. TODAY!
Liburan Ke Kazakstan & Uzbekistan dengan Java Mifi
9 months ago
tungguin gw baru boleh beli bunga!!
Hahaha thanks Nad! Okay, bunga dapat menunggu..
I heeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrdddddd! That's awesome! Congratulation De, I'm happy for you.
may, selamat ya..duh seneng deh ada yg udah lulus,
selamat ya mai
Thank you teteh...
Thank you Tariiiiiiiii cepat nyusul yaaaaaa!
Mayaaaa... Selamat selamaaattt !! Aw aww ! Tumpengan yuk may !
Thank you Ditt... Awww jangan tumpengan dong ah, kita potong tira-miss-you aja...
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