I just re-read my February posts, and I think I wasn't really productive :D Anywho, let me fill this blog in on what I have been wasting my time doing lately.
Revision and my final thesis (in hardcover) was submitted a week after my thesis defense. In the last 2 weeks, I went to campus like 3-4 times every week, supported my friends in their thesis defense moment. However, my final transcript is not yet available - it's available on my online student access, but who needs it? It is unofficial and seems "unreal". So I do get a fancy bachelor degree. I have to say good bye to my beloved university in the mean time - the very thing that sucked me away from quality nap and nice dream and creating art on a regular basis. But I see an opportunity to take the master program this year, so yeah, I'll make my mind up on that one later I guess.
Soooo.. the time in between? I'm taking loooong "hibernation", and I'm planning to job hunt this month. Given the disastrous Indo is at the moment, I could not have picked a worse time to try this. Back to my latest job is near impossible, largely because I wasn't having fun, nor did I share any kind of remote passion or interest for the job. Besides, I'm planning to take a photography class to improve my photography skills. Only a plan. Art is still my passion, so I'm kinda hoping I can spend some moment in my life to making love with art.. photography, live drawing, scrapping, or writing. I wonder how many of you will slaughter me if I said I still draw comic :D
And tomorrow is gonna be an awesome day. My cousin and I are planning to do a Cousins Adventure! Check back soon to see the report of Cousins Adventure in my photoblog.
Yeah, you know it, I'm hungry. And I still have Seven Grain's Chocolate Devil or whatever, which is a good news for my grumbled tummy. Ha! Another good news? I have a wedding invitation! Fooooodsssss!
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