Lately my desk..
never been this tidy.
As some of you may known or read or heard, I'm working my ass off, currently, so that my desk is usually pretty messy; wordy journalsss, a thesis guide book, a copy of my senior's thesis, tons of literature, my cellphones, they're all making out one another on my little desk (and on the floor and my bed!).
I am doing my research right now.. what a progress. First 30 questionnaire has been filled by 29 nice respondents and 1 asshole (I said asshole because he returned my questionnaire empty! Sorry, Sir!) last week, so the next step is reliability and validity testing. If the result come out okay, I'll continue my research and search the next 60 victims.
I'm glad! When I was younger, I used to be a nice respondent, because I already knew, a researcher holds a not-so-easy task. Begging someone to help you to fill your questionnaire is hard (though I'm not a kind of begger), inputting the filled questionnaire is killing my eyes and fingers, and reading the processed output is somewhat complicated. Now, sitting in that position made me realized something: a world is a wheel.
Seriously, I'm sick of thesis. I haven't found any difficulties so far, but this mental pressure is killing me. I mean, thesis is a long journey and it's very irritating and torturing. I'd rather work in a short journey assignment so I can be more focus on the task at hand. Also, I didn't take any class this smester and I turned to be a lazier person than ever. That's what I feel in the past few months, and lack of post in this blog caused by this terrible condition.
Just for fun, I screencaped my screen :P
If you found some alphabet circles on the images, here's my explanation:
a. Questionnaire #16 of 30!! Weeeeeee..
b. Windows Life Messenger! Never get my laptop on without launch this program
c. Adobe Photoshop CS2: Huahahahah.. Another must launch program
d. G-mail: To be honest, I have 1 unread message
e. SPSS 11.5: Soaxxxx! Hahaha..
f. Skype: Boyfriend where are yoooouu??
g. Having a chat with Judo!! HAHAHAHAHAH
Anyway, I'm hungry and I don't have a cake, but I have an Abuba steak hohoho.. I'm off!

As some of you may known or read or heard, I'm working my ass off, currently, so that my desk is usually pretty messy; wordy journalsss, a thesis guide book, a copy of my senior's thesis, tons of literature, my cellphones, they're all making out one another on my little desk (and on the floor and my bed!).
I am doing my research right now.. what a progress. First 30 questionnaire has been filled by 29 nice respondents and 1 asshole (I said asshole because he returned my questionnaire empty! Sorry, Sir!) last week, so the next step is reliability and validity testing. If the result come out okay, I'll continue my research and search the next 60 victims.
I'm glad! When I was younger, I used to be a nice respondent, because I already knew, a researcher holds a not-so-easy task. Begging someone to help you to fill your questionnaire is hard (though I'm not a kind of begger), inputting the filled questionnaire is killing my eyes and fingers, and reading the processed output is somewhat complicated. Now, sitting in that position made me realized something: a world is a wheel.
Seriously, I'm sick of thesis. I haven't found any difficulties so far, but this mental pressure is killing me. I mean, thesis is a long journey and it's very irritating and torturing. I'd rather work in a short journey assignment so I can be more focus on the task at hand. Also, I didn't take any class this smester and I turned to be a lazier person than ever. That's what I feel in the past few months, and lack of post in this blog caused by this terrible condition.
Just for fun, I screencaped my screen :P

If you found some alphabet circles on the images, here's my explanation:
a. Questionnaire #16 of 30!! Weeeeeee..
b. Windows Life Messenger! Never get my laptop on without launch this program
c. Adobe Photoshop CS2: Huahahahah.. Another must launch program
d. G-mail: To be honest, I have 1 unread message
e. SPSS 11.5: Soaxxxx! Hahaha..
f. Skype: Boyfriend where are yoooouu??
g. Having a chat with Judo!! HAHAHAHAHAH
Anyway, I'm hungry and I don't have a cake, but I have an Abuba steak hohoho.. I'm off!
God! asshole... that's rude!
De, itu yang ngisi kuesioner loe, wanita, anak manajemen, umur 21, angkatan 2005, cantik kagak? ada fotonya? nomor telepon (kalo bisa blekberi atau esia lhaa), alamat, plat mobil biar bisa diklakson pas ketemu di jalan?
asshole asshole burn in hell...
eh setan juga loe nulis kaga disensor. public toh? gile... anyway good luck yah
Thank you thank you..
Noiy: ^%$@!^*&^%$@@!^&(75#%$487
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