My blog posting has become more and more specific. I'm bored to death :( I've thought numerous times about just scrapping this site and blog and saying to hell with it all.
Yet I know that someday something will happen, and when that day comes, I'll want to share it with my friends and family and complete strangers on the interwebs.. hehehe.. These things might include:
a) My Bali vacay - I can't hardly wait,
b) My school and thesis,
c) My photography works, and/or
d) Developing powers of telekinesis.
But until one of these things occur, this will probably be a pretty quiet place........
BTW, things I have done lately:
- Submitted my SIX-MONTHS unpaid study leave: Approved! (Heck, I tendered my resignation but ended up taking this unpaid leave. Yay to me!)
- Congratulated my newly-graduated cousin Sasha, S.Psi; and soon to be employee Nadya
- Went to karaoke with co-workers (and dancing like a drunk slore)
- Got my hair cut today. The shortest in the last 6 years. And I'm totally in love with it.
The bad new is that I'm in the most stupid condition in the world. Asked me to choose whether to productive or consumptive in my busy times, I couldn't answer that. I've spent my nights after office hour working on my school assignment in restaurants. I've moved from Black Canyon, Oh La La Bintaro, PIM, Oenpao Radio Dalam.. and I went to Lotus Court or nearest 7-11 for my Saturday breakfast before going to school. I'm hungry you know, and I just wanted this and that, and am drooling over anything. My appetite's pretty much doubled.
Well, I conclude I just have too much stuff to do to finish up my master, and even though I spend a lot of time procrastinating, it makes me feel guilty to be working on this instead. Haha. Adieu.
♥, Me.
Key-yote! And you jaw is fantastic!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww I love your new hair! You're so tee-utie t-ute!!!!
Apapun yang terjadi antara kamu, works, and school... be patient ya. Hasil akhir akan setimpal dengan usaha lo ;-)
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