I have been struggling with the question of heart versus head. There is a time in our life when we have to choose between heart or head. I think it is safe to said that most of the time those two things match up, but I've had very few instances in my life where I have been torn between the two, one of those times is now. My heart is feeling emotion that my head is trying to counteract. I feel as if I am being pulled in two different directions. So, the question stands: In regards of life and love, do you follow reason or emotion?
If someone asks me that question they might as well be telling me to go fuck myself. The reason being, is the answers aren't always so black and white. This is just not simple mathematics, the different emotions and thoughts constantly pulling our mind and soul in different directions, showing us what certain decisions would do the outcomes of situations doesn't make any one choice an 'obvious' one.
I am the kind of person who looks at life pretty realistically. I'm not trying to candy coat life to be something it is NOT. For the most part, I let my brain lead and my heart follow. I like the security if knowing that all the facts are clear and concise and they all point, without a doubt, in direction I'm headed.
People always encourage us to that time, weigh the pros and cons, because heart can be obsolete and it's not real. But maybe.. the answer to that question is that we should find a balance. If we tend to follow our emotion more and think we need to have a little more balance and reality, then go with that. If we tend to follow reason more, maybe it's time to let our heart lead a little. We'll get where we're trying to go. Whatever it takes. Yeah, I think I've found my answer. I need one of you to summarize all of these shitty words. Thanks.
♥, Me.
The Q is: In regards of life and love, do you follow reason or emotion?
You said: If someone asks me that question they might as well be telling me to go fuck myself,
And I WOULD say: That's a fucking 10 billion question!
I, basically agree with your analysis and your reason. For me, I used to follow my heart but lately I follow head because heart tends to mislead (heart is real, by the way). So I use my head, and let my heart follow.
And probably that is why the head is on top of our neck haha. XO
Do you mean that is a fucking 10 billion DOLLAR question? If you do, then I'd say that IS TOTALLY TRUE.
Seems you're a logical person right now :D
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