Friday, February 22, 2008


So.... I've decided to switch my blog after setahun-of-thinking, okay, lebay, tapi dari abis puasa taun kemarin sampe sekarang setaun kan? ihiihih.. and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who come by and visit my blog each day and leave comments (yap, termasuk BaroBuddies yg suka jadiin comment sebagai message board! Ingat, sekarang kita sudah punya message board baru!). Thanks.. knowing that I have readers out there truly makes my day.

As you can see I've been havin' tons of fun in this blog, but this blog looks like ruined puzzles. I've wrote all of my thoughts and color 'em, and sometimes I made some not-important-postings.. it's so childish. I think this blog has messed up.

I'll publish my new blog's address later. See yaaaa!
