I feel very overwhelmed right now. Between work, school, friendships - I feel like I don't have a second to stop and breathe. I feel like I can't be the best that I can be for everyone around me.. it might be like I'm disappointing everyone because I'm not able to give them all of me. I know that it was my choice to work full time and go to school as well, but I think part of me feels like I don't really have any choice. I know that it will get easier once I get into the groove on things, but right now.. it feels like that will NEVER happen. It definitely has been a whirlwind of emotions in these last few weeks for me.
I'm 22. And God is trying to teach me so much and I'm having a harder time than I thought attempting to change myself. For me, it's never easy for change even though I am easily adapting to new things. Something that I realized is that this change NEEDS to happen in order for me to fulfill all that God wants me to. So God, give me strength and help me to get through this finishing well.
::Man, there's a bug buggin' me in my bed room!::
Liburan Ke Kazakstan & Uzbekistan dengan Java Mifi
9 months ago
Wow I saw your post that you wrote about Pretty Little Liars last year... awesomeness!
I started reading them today... don't tell me what happened, though!
Lucky you I wrote it in Bahasa! LOL. Enjoy the books!
hey you're tough girl! you know that!
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