The most popular quote from Toni Morrison is: "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." So.. Maybe I should write about how to not abandon my social media presence!
Since I am a pretty private person, I don't feel the need to share events via social media but would rather share with a few close friends and family directly. I've signed up to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Pinterest, Linkedin, and downloaded those apps to my phone. Although I acknowledge that there are benefits of them, I think that there are a lot more negative effects when you're oversharing. So yeah.. I found myself being a constant lurker. :)
Everybody apparently has their social media of choice. Perhaps Instagram from the photo sharing, maybe Path for it's addictive inner circle interaction. But this is my basic run down day-to-day digital walking.
Path is very popular in Indonesia but necessarily not the best. It's kind of like your digital mood boarding that close to Tumblr's concept. The UI is so-so although is smooth and simple. Path's focus is on the user's intimacy so it limits the circle to 150 friends. This app tells me I signed up over 3 years ago and shared 659 moments, which means I post 15.5 moments per month so far.
I honestly can't get into this social media. This is the only social media where I can find the most dangerous overshared moments *which is sad* and every time I log in, I always log out feeling uninspired. But surprisingly, today it's the fastest platform to help spread messages and awareness in Indonesia, especially when it's all about missing person or dog.
This is my favourite social media. Since waking up I check my Instagram feed, start searching random images through hashtags, and begin an endless cycle of scrolling and refreshing. I had an idea of moving my blog to Instagram but then I realised I've never wanted to change my Instagram account to a "keeping up with misswhadevr" mentality.
My Instagram account is set to private. I believe living a simple, minimal life where you can focus on the present moment and share things with a close group of friends rather than projecting to strangers feels amazing.
I joined Instagram about over 4 years ago and have posted 605 photos, meanings.. I post about 11.2 photos per month. Apparently I'm not that into this thing LOL.
The only time I get on Twitter now is to shouting or tweeting random things. I love Twitter but I don't do conversation through Twitter because I want to have the ability to look back to the old memory. I treat Twitter like a blog. A teeny tiny blog. :)
I took a year break from Twitter from February 2014 to 2015. This long break has taught me to utilise the site differently: to use it a lot for news. I've started following a few actual inspiring news or storie real accounts and do find it one of the easiest way to get real-time information without typin' in Google's search box. All I have to do is scroll and click.
I signed up to Twitter on December 2009 and I've shared 1,810 tweets. That's 26.6 tweets per month, including a year break? That's very amazing for people like me!
Social media is very powerful. What kind of social media you're using, kindly ensure it will bring joy and fun to your days. Quoting "Social" (written by Matthew D. Lieberman), our need to reach out to and connect with others is so powerful that it is one of the primary drivers of our behaviour, in every aspects of our lives. Social media apps are great mediums, even for people like me.
Social media is very powerful. What kind of social media you're using, kindly ensure it will bring joy and fun to your days. Quoting "Social" (written by Matthew D. Lieberman), our need to reach out to and connect with others is so powerful that it is one of the primary drivers of our behaviour, in every aspects of our lives. Social media apps are great mediums, even for people like me.
Have a nice day everyone!
Photo credit: Say Hello Photography [link].
Mba, ada polly pocket yg mau disale ga? Kalau ada, mohon info ke email kganenda@gmail.com atau line kganenda :D makasih banyak
Halooo! Maaf lama me-reply. Untuk saat ini, saya belum terpikir untuk menjual koleksi polly pocket saya. Selain karena barangnya sudah langka, Polly Dollsnya sudah banyak sekali yang hilang dan tertukar :)
Ohh gitu, iya sekarang sudah tergolong jadi barang langka... Hihi barangkali nanti khilaf, mau disale, mohon info ya. Kebetulan aku nge sale beberapa koleksiku, bisa dicek di IG @90s_happiness.. Mari bernostalgiaaa 😍✨💜
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